
    TEREKE's portfolio


    Tereke is always available.


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    Hi, I'm Tereke!

    A 17 year old football player who plays Minecraft for fun.

    I have been managing and administrating Minecraft servers for about 3 years now and throughout those 3 years I've gained the abilities to stay active, keep positivity, monitor overwhelming areas, and handling huge problems! Below you will find my 4 best staff experiences.

  • What I've Learned

    Things I've learned from staffing on Minecraft server.

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    Code of Conduct and Composure

    During those 3 years going into 4, I've learned that staying calm is always the best route. It isn't always who's the loudest in the situation nor who gets heard the most. I learned to stay humble in every situation and bring nothing but positivity. I also learned that letting other people get you in a bad state is not what you'd want to look for. Keep yourself at bay and always want to bring the best from others.

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    Minecraft Commands and Code

    Minecraft commands and coding is crucial to server: without the commands and code, the games have no variety and are bland to the player. I have learned every command in my staffing path and along with that I also manage to build experience to typing 50 words per minute. My typing skills bring much value to knowing commands and code.

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    Spotting and Analyzing Rule Breakers

    During the past few years of managing and administrating, I've been introduced to many problematic people. I've learned the ways of spotting a rule breaker, analyzing a pending watched player, and handling server threatning players.

  • Recent Server Experience:

    Places I've staffed for!

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    Spark MC

    Staff/General/Community Manager

    ~2,000 players (Shut Down)

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    Assistant Community Manager

    ~5,000 players (Shut Down)

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    Mineland Network

    Sr. Admin/Assistant Manager

    ~30,000 players

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    Sr. Administrator

    ~3,000 players (Shut Down)